What Are the Largest Carbon Credits Registries?

Verra and the Gold Standard are two of the leading registries that provide standards and certification for carbon credits issued under voluntary carbon offset programs.

Verra is a global non-profit organization that works to advance sustainable development and climate action. Verra was founded in 2002 as the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) Foundation, and it is now one of the world’s leading organizations for the certification and validation of carbon credits. Verra operates a number of programs and initiatives, including the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Verified Carbon Units (VCUs), and the VCS Program for Aboriginal Peoples’ and Local Communities’ Landscapes (VCS PGS). These programs provide standards and certification for carbon credits issued under voluntary carbon offset programs, and they aim to ensure the quality, transparency, and impact of carbon credits.

The Gold Standard also provides standards and certification for carbon credits issued under voluntary carbon offset programs. The Gold Standard was founded in 2003, and it is a recognized leader in the carbon offset market. The Gold Standard operates a number of programs and initiatives, including the Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG), which aims to support the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Gold Standard also operates the Gold Standard for the Global Goals Empowerment and Livelihoods Standard (GS4ELS), which focuses on projects that promote social and economic development and empower marginalized communities. Like Verra, the Gold Standard aims to ensure the quality, transparency, and impact of carbon credits.

Other similar registries include:

  1. The American Carbon Registry (ACR): The ACR is a nonprofit organization that operates a voluntary carbon offset program and provides third-party verification and certification of carbon credits.
  2. The Climate Action Reserve (CAR): CAR is a nonprofit organization that operates a voluntary carbon offset program and provides third-party verification and certification of carbon credits.
  3. The Carbon Trust: The Carbon Trust is a UK-based organization that provides certification and validation services for carbon credits issued under voluntary offset programs.
  4. The Plan Vivo Standard: The Plan Vivo Standard is a voluntary standard that certifies carbon credits generated from projects that support sustainable development and benefit local communities.
  5. The Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standard: The CCB Standard is a voluntary standard that certifies carbon credits generated from projects that promote climate change mitigation, community development, and biodiversity conservation.

There are several organizations that compete with Verra and the Gold Standard in the carbon offset market. These organizations provide similar services, including the certification and validation of carbon credits, and they aim to ensure the quality, transparency, and impact of carbon credits.





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